Wednesday, August 1, 2012

An Introduction // Wisdom

Art is the life force that brings me to new days. For years, I have nursed an unrelenting passion for all that is both deep and beautiful. I have finally amassed a collection of thoughts, analyses, and dreams I can share with the world. I am not merely a visual artist, but a conceptual one as well. I hope my multiple perspectives on the art-making process help to open your mind and bring you some pleasure in your day. I intend to make the stories presented within art clearer for your imagination, so you too can be as lost within a book, a painting, or a piece of music.
It was the summer after my junior year of high school that my mind truly began to bloom like a flower. I was always introspective, but I suddenly became so self-aware, so cognizant of conceptual depths in every form of art: from visuals, to literature, to film and music – all of it! In reality, this blog has been years in the making…
Those of you who know me personally most likely have visited my Audio/Visual Inspiration album online, filled with my favorite artworks. That album is just the tip of the iceberg. Though I sometimes compose accompanying texts to the pieces I include, there is much more I wish to share. It saddens me to think that many people are afraid of, intimidated by or simply disinterested in art, making the mistake that it’s not for everyone. Art is a human language. Keep in mind, I am not by any means laying claim to the idea that every person needs to be knee-deep and obsessed! However, I have found that every individual I have had the pleasure of sharing stories with has found some passionate idea that makes him or her simply… glow. And this inspiration is an emotional pleasure that brings one to do more good for this world. I describe inspiration as “that feeling like you have an inflating balloon in your stomach”: that giddy, lightweight feeling that has always quelled my temper, making me smile and bestow an act of kindness on someone. Sometimes, it gives me an overwhelming feeling of love for this world. I’m thankful I can pass it on to you.
What does Wisdom in Doubt mean? For one, it means appreciating the place of self-doubt in our decision-making. I feel that our modern, fast-paced culture places too much emphasis on puffing yourself out in front of others, showing off your confidence in every situation and never revealing moments of weakness. There is no shame to be had in saying “I don’t know.” I’d rather a person admit a lack of knowledge than make a hasty decision without enough information.
Secondly, I reverse the phrase. What if we don’t immediately accept all “facts” others tout as obvious truths? It’s remarkably easy to intimidate by, not necessarily speaking facts, but speaking with overconfidence. You don’t even have to know the subject well, just act like you do! Now, my passion for art and its history hinges on the understanding that almost all sources of knowledge can be flawed. I develop my conceptual understanding over many years, and I acknowledge many sources before I reach my own conclusions.
And, lastly, I achieve wisdom that is truly my own. By attempting to think deeply before I act, I come across difficulties, but I achieve intense depth and understanding of the world around me. Rely on intuition, emotion and logical reasoning. None alone is sufficient, but an understanding of the proper combination for you leads to a newfound wisdom that works for you, and you alone…

This blog is my journey. Come with me! I have so much art to explore, to learn about and to teach about! I am an illustrator but I am also an art historian; a painter and a thinker. I've traveled millions of miles in my mind, and many more to come...

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